It's been another busy year for the IAG & NRMA Superannuation Plan and once again, it's my pleasure to bring you the IAG & NRMA Superannuation Plan interactive annual report, giving a snap shot of the Plan highlights for the past year, including our investment returns.
We hope you are enjoying our new website which has some great features, including viewing all your benefits in one dashboard view and searching for any other super you have and rolling over online in minutes.
While the Royal Commission's spotlight has recently been on the superannuation industry, I'd like to assure our members that the IAG & NRMA Superannuation Plan is run solely for your benefit, to provide financial peace of mind now and to deliver the best outcome for your retirement. Everything the Plan does is guided by this intent.
Please take the time to watch this short video and to explore the interactive report. For a more detailed report on the Plan's investment and financial performance, you can download the full annual report.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our Plan. For information about your super, please visit the Plan website, or call the Plan Helpline on 1300 424 676. We're here to help.
Troy Maguire
Senior Manager, Superannuation
IAG & NRMA Superannuation Pty Limited
How it is paid, will depend on any instructions you have given the Trustee. This is called 'nominating your beneficiaries'. If you haven’t made a beneficiary nomination, the Trustee will decide. As well as taking longer to be paid, your benefit might not go to those you want to receive it.
That's why nominating your beneficiaries is an important part of managing your super.
Tell us how to pay your benefit now
If you haven't made a nomination, take a few minutes now to ensure the Plan knows your wishes. You can nominate either a:
If you need help to make your nomination, call the Plan Helpline on 1300 424 676.
Key highlights include:
Congratulations to our 102 competition winners and thanks to everyone who has checked out their account.
Take a tour of the new website
Having your super in one place can mean less in fees; you pay only for insurance cover you need and easier account management. On the new website, you can find and roll over your super in 3 easy steps:
Note - You should check any insurance you may have in the other fund as this will cease upon the transfer. If you have death or death and TPD Insurance with another superannuation fund, you may be eligible to apply to transfer your insurance to the Plan before you rollover any superannuation. You should also check with your other fund to see if they charge any exit fees.
For help with the new website or if you have the details of your other accounts and want to rollover your accounts over the phone, call the Plan Helpline on 1300 424 676
How it is paid, will depend on any instructions you have given the Trustee. This is called 'nominating your beneficiaries'. If you haven’t made a beneficiary nomination, the Trustee will decide. As well as taking longer to be paid, your benefit might not go to those you want to receive it.
That's why nominating your beneficiaries is an important part of managing your super.
Tell us how to pay your benefit now
If you haven't made a nomination, take a few minutes now to ensure the Plan knows your wishes. You can nominate either a:
If you need help to make your nomination, call the Plan Helpline on 1300 424 676.
Key highlights include:
Congratulations to our 102 competition winners and thanks to everyone who has checked out their account.
Take a tour of the new website
Having your super in one place can mean less in fees; you pay only for insurance cover you need and easier account management. On the new website, you can find and roll over your super in 3 easy steps:
Note - You should check any insurance you may have in the other fund as this will cease upon the transfer. If you have death or death and TPD Insurance with another superannuation fund, you may be eligible to apply to transfer your insurance to the Plan before you rollover any superannuation. You should also check with your other fund to see if they charge any exit fees.
For help with the new website or if you have the details of your other accounts and want to rollover your accounts over the phone, call the Plan Helpline on 1300 424 676
MySuper Delivered 7.2%, Pension Growth delievered 7.9% for the year to 30 June 2018
* Prior to 1 May 2017, the Overseas Shares option was known as the Shares option and comprised a mix of Australian and overseas shares. The investment returns shown reflect the historical performance of this option, based on its actual asset allocation over these periods.
^ Up to 30 June 2017 Transition to Retirement Income Streams (TRIS) were invested in the same options as Allocated Pensions. Due to tax changes from 1 July 2017 the TRIS investments are now in separate TRIS options whose returns match the Accumulation Section returns.
Click each of the investment sectors to see who manages them.
26% of assets
24% of assets
10% of assets
4% of assets
10% of assets
16% of assets
10% of assets
*Managers shown are as at 30 June 2018. Managers may change from time to time.
MySuper Delivered 7.2%, Pension Growth delievered 7.9% for the year to 30 June 2018
* Prior to 1 May 2017, the Overseas Shares option was known as the Shares option and comprised a mix of Australian and overseas shares. The investment returns shown reflect the historical performance of this option, based on its actual asset allocation over these periods.
^ Up to 30 June 2017 Transition to Retirement Income Streams (TRIS) were invested in the same options as Allocated Pensions. Due to tax changes from 1 July 2017 the TRIS investments are now in separate TRIS options whose returns match the Accumulation Section returns.
Click each of the investment sectors to see who manages them.
26% of assets
24% of assets
10% of assets
4% of assets
10% of assets
16% of assets
10% of assets
*Managers shown are as at 30 June 2018. Managers may change from time to time.
What do you like most about the Plan’s new website?
There is now a simple and fast search function for finding my other super. I no longer need member numbers, fund names, etc. The process for rolling over online takes only a minute or two. Also, details with respect to my insurance as well as premiums are much easier to see.
According to Mercer, Millennials will need a nest egg of over $2,000,000 for their retirement. How does the Plan support members to achieve their retirement goals?
The Plan's website now provides retirement projections for all accumulation members. These tools rely on technology and statistical modelling to provide realistic forecasts. Changing variables such as contributions, retirement age and investment performance assumptions can impact the likelihood of meeting retirement goals. Intra-fund advice is also available through the Plan Helpline at no cost to members. Members can also attend a number of presentations which are provided at various office locations.
Where can members go with questions about their super? What services are available?
The Plan offers a comprehensive website available 24/7 and friendly Plan Helpline. Plan Management also provides member presentations at various office locations throughout the year. We focus on superannuation basics; information for new entrants; investments; redundancy; and planning for retirement. Plan Management are also available to help with any questions members have.
What is the biggest challenge you see members facing for their super?
Since people are living longer now, it's not out of the question to spend as many years in retirement as in a working career. Balancing an increasing life expectancy with an appropriate tolerance for investment risk is imperative.
How long have you been a Director of the Plan?
I'm in my 12th year as a Trustee Director.
What is it that the Plan offers that makes it unique/stand out from other super funds?
Over my career, I have been a member of a few superannuation funds. When I started at IAG I had accumulated three superannuation funds from previous employers. Having a young family, I was reminded by a friend to make sure I'd checked my life insurance cover was adequate. This prompted me to compare the insurance offerings across my super funds. The insurance offered by our superannuation plan was a stand out in terms of both cost and features.
What would you say is a critical thing for members to remember about their super?
It is one of the most tax effective vehicles to use when saving and investing for the future.
What do you appreciate most about being a Director on the Plan?
I get to sit on a board made up of a group of diverse individuals who all bring different skills and experience to the table. It is a great way to learn from the experiences of others in a decision-making environment.
What have you learnt about super during your time as a Director of the Plan?
My key learning, in the everchanging super environment are best encapsulated in the words of pioneering computer scientist, Edsger Dijkstra, who said, "Simplicity is a great virtue, but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better".
How long have you been a member of the Plan?
Since 2015, close to four years now.
What does super mean to you?
A long-term investment that will help me maintain most of my lifestyle when I retire so that I don’t have to rely on the government pension.
What do you see as the value of super?
The fact that you can’t access it till retirement and you also have the ability to invest the money in markets where you’re willing to take more of a risk for a greater return.
What three words would best sum up your experience in the Plan?
Simple, easy, educating.
How can members get help to make super less confusing?
Read about their policy online or call the Helpline. ASIC has a great website that has plenty of information on their website about super. A wealth advisor would also be of good help.
What do you like most about the Plan’s new website?
There is now a simple and fast search function for finding my other super. I no longer need member numbers, fund names, etc. The process for rolling over online takes only a minute or two. Also, details with respect to my insurance as well as premiums are much easier to see.
According to Mercer, Millennials will need a nest egg of over $2,000,000 for their retirement. How does the Plan support members to achieve their retirement goals?
The Plan's website now provides retirement projections for all accumulation members. These tools rely on technology and statistical modelling to provide realistic forecasts. Changing variables such as contributions, retirement age and investment performance assumptions can impact the likelihood of meeting retirement goals. Intra-fund advice is also available through the Plan Helpline at no cost to members. Members can also attend a number of presentations which are provided at various office locations.
Where can members go with questions about their super? What services are available?
The Plan offers a comprehensive website available 24/7 and friendly Plan Helpline. Plan Management also provides member presentations at various office locations throughout the year. We focus on superannuation basics; information for new entrants; investments; redundancy; and planning for retirement. Plan Management are also available to help with any questions members have.
What is the biggest challenge you see members facing for their super?
Since people are living longer now, it's not out of the question to spend as many years in retirement as in a working career. Balancing an increasing life expectancy with an appropriate tolerance for investment risk is imperative.
How long have you been a Director of the Plan?
I'm in my 12th year as a Trustee Director.
What is it that the Plan offers that makes it unique/stand out from other super funds?
Over my career, I have been a member of a few superannuation funds. When I started at IAG I had accumulated three superannuation funds from previous employers. Having a young family, I was reminded by a friend to make sure I'd checked my life insurance cover was adequate. This prompted me to compare the insurance offerings across my super funds. The insurance offered by our superannuation plan was a stand out in terms of both cost and features.
What would you say is a critical thing for members to remember about their super?
It is one of the most tax effective vehicles to use when saving and investing for the future.
What do you appreciate most about being a Director on the Plan?
I get to sit on a board made up of a group of diverse individuals who all bring different skills and experience to the table. It is a great way to learn from the experiences of others in a decision-making environment.
What have you learnt about super during your time as a Director of the Plan?
My key learning, in the everchanging super environment are best encapsulated in the words of pioneering computer scientist, Edsger Dijkstra, who said, "Simplicity is a great virtue, but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better".
How long have you been a member of the Plan?
Since 2015, close to four years now.
What does super mean to you?
A long-term investment that will help me maintain most of my lifestyle when I retire so that I don’t have to rely on the government pension.
What do you see as the value of super?
The fact that you can’t access it till retirement and you also have the ability to invest the money in markets where you’re willing to take more of a risk for a greater return.
What three words would best sum up your experience in the Plan?
Simple, easy, educating.
How can members get help to make super less confusing?
Read about their policy online or call the Helpline. ASIC has a great website that has plenty of information on their website about super. A wealth advisor would also be of good help.
Your super is your money, so be sure you don't miss any important information about news and investment update and changes.
If you change your contact details including your home address, email address or contact phone number, remember to let the Plan know. You can call the Plan Helpline or go online to update them.
The Plan is committed to doing all we can to reduce our carbon foot print by reducing our paper usage. Remember to tell us how you'd like to receive your information by updating your communication preferences. Either go to your online account on the Plan website or call the Plan Helpline and we can confirm your preferences for you.